S02 E05 Have Eyes and Not See? (Tobit Ch.4)


In Tobit Ch.4, I find some of the most profound teachings in the Bible. Using the prayer of Lectio Divina, here are my 3 key takeaways:

3 key takeaways:

  1. Faith & Tradition -- part of our call to evangelization: not only to non-believers, but also to believers.

  2. Almsgiving -- this is one of the main themes of the Book of Tobit. What are the Works of Mercy? Who should we model ourselves after in almsgiving? If almsgiving can expiate sins, why did Tobit become blind?

  3. "Have you eyes and do not see?" Mk 8:18; Is 44:18

Check out St Augustine's 'perceptive' insights in this episode!

The Bible I am reading from is the New American Bible online version taken from the USCCB website: https://bible.usccb.org/bible/tobit/4

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Show Notes

Reflection Questions

  1. Have you been handing down the Christian teaching and tradition to your children, like Tobit?

  2. Four listeners of SAP were baptised this year, after listening to the podcast. When was the last time you brought someone new to our Faith?

  3. What are the Works of Mercy?

  4. Why do you think Tobit regards almsgiving as protective?

  5. How should we give alms?

  6. What does it mean by "Have you eyes, and do not see?" Mk 8:18

  7. How can we improve the perception of our eyes?

References made in this episode

Bible Verses ( in the order of citation)

  1. Mk 8:18; Is 44:18

  2. 1Cor 15:3

  3. Mt 25:40

  4. James 1:18; Revelation 14:4

  5. Jn 14:9

  6. Mt 13:16 (Parable of the Sower)

  7. Ps 119:130

  8. Si 3:30

  9. Mt 6:19

Catechism of the Catholic Church

CCC #2447

Other Resource/Adaptation Links

  1. St Augustine Sermon 226

  2. Sermon of St Augustine - Homily 13

  3. Patristic Bible Commentary on Tobit

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