S02 E14 Test & Exhortation ... Tobit Ch.12


God is omniscient - He knows our inmost heart. Why then does God test us when He knows us better than we do? In this episode, the Book of Tobit, Ch.12 reveals the insight to the question and more.

The Bible I am reading from is the New American Bible or the NAB online version taken from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops or the USCCB website: https://bible.usccb.org/bible/tobit/12. For the Book of Tobit, I also refer to the online version of the Douay-Rheims Bible – which is a translation from the Latin Vulgate, whereas the NAB is translated from the Septuagint or the Greek version.

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Thank you & God Bless!

Show Notes

Reflection Questions

  1. What is the role of Raphael?

  2. Why should we give thanks to God daily?

  3. What is a King's secret?

  4. Whay Prayer is gddo with fasting and alms?

  5. Why does God test us?

References made in this episode

Bible Verses ( in the order of citation)

  1. Lk 15; Jn 9:39-41; Mt 10:32-33; Tb 11:16-17

  2. Psalms 119:130

  3. Tb 8:1-3

  4. Tb 12:15; 12:12; Tb 3:17; 8:3; Tb 6:4; 8; 11:7-8

  5. Tb 12:6-10; Tb 12:14

  6. Tb 12:14

  7. 1 Cor 10:13; Mt 15:21-28

Catechism of the Catholic Church

  1. CCC #1816

Other Resource/Adaptation Links

  1. Hahn S., Mitch, C., Ignatius Catholic Study Bible

  2. Jerome, Commentarius in Ecclesiasten, PL 23.1074B

  3. Clement of Alexandria, The Stromata 4.12 ANF v.2

  4. Cyprian of Carthage, Treatise 4.32- 33 ANF v.5

  5. Augustine of Hippo, Sermon 226.4, on the Blessed Tobit

  6. St John Henry Newman Quotation

  7. https://www.catholicherald.com/article/columns/sometimes-god-tests-our-faith

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