Your Faith Pitstop

Be Nourished | Encouraged | Refreshed

“You have been set apart as holy to the LORD your God, and He has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be His own special treasure.”

Deuteronomy 14:2

Latest Episode: August 25, 2022 Thursday

S02E16 Fear and Burial (Tobit Ch.14 - Finale)

In this Season Finale, I unpack 2 key questions revolving Life and Death for Christians from Tobit Ch.14:

1) What does the “fear of the Lord” mean to you today? In what ways is it a virtue, and how does it fulfil the New Covenant?

2) What is the significance of a "proper burial?” What is the purpose of a funeral? How does the deceased and the living benefit from it? And what expressions of Hope should be evident at a funeral for Christians?

Episodes by Season


"Wow ... It’s incredible how much you have moved me and am sure will inspire n move others as well ... You’re truly a disciple selected by God to help all to know Him better and for those who have yet to know Him will definitely be drawn by your words n quotes from the scriptures to get to know Him.

God bless you abundantly and pray that your message will spread far n wide."

Sabina W., Singapore

As interviewed by CatholicSG Radio's Kopi Talk ... on June 16, 2021

With André Ahchak & Keith Neubronner

Setting Apart Podcast

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