S02 E15 What to do when tested? (Tobit Ch.13)
In this episode, to address the question, How to move forward when tested?
I reflect on some key questions from the Book of Tobit:
Can a sin, and hence its punishment, be passed down from one generation to another?
How does "original sin" transmit to us from Adam & Eve?
How should we move forward wth suffering?
How do we minister those who are suffering?
The Bible I am reading from is the New American Bible or the NAB online version taken from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops or the USCCB website: https://bible.usccb.org/bible/tobit/13. For the Book of Tobit, I also refer to the online version of the Douay-Rheims Bible – which is a translation from the Latin Vulgate, whereas the NAB is translated from the Septuagint or the Greek version.
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Show Notes
Reflection Questions
How to move forward when tested?
What does the Book of Tobit say about suffering?
How should we proceed when suffering?
How do we minister those who are suffering?
Can sin, hence punishment, be passed down to generation?
Does God find pleasure in punishing us?
How does "original sin" transmit to us from Adam & Eve?
References made in this episode
Bible Verses ( in the order of citation)
Ps 119:130
Tb 13:5-6
Dt 5:9; Ex 20:5
Jn 9:2; Ez 18:20-22
Rom 3:23
Ez 18:23
Rom 8:35, 38-39; Gal 5:19-21
Catechism of the Catholic Church
#404, #405
Other Resource/Adaptation Links
Ambrose, Enarrationes in XII psalmos Davidicos, PL 14.34.940C
Bede the Venerable, Allegorica interpretatio in Tobiam, PL 91.935C]