S01 E10 So Many Calls, So Little Time?
In this episode, I wanna take a stab in addressing the following question: Have you wondered why we are called to be so many things? We are called to be Holy, first and foremost; and it seems we are also called to be Priest, Prophet and King. Are you overwhelmed by the different callings? How is it that we are called to be so many things? Are they even Biblical or Tradition?
The reflection on the call to Priestly Roles in our lives is inspired from Mt 5:13.
Grace from the reading: Priestly Call/Vocation
Key Takeaways
1. According to CCC, para # 783, “Jesus Christ is the one whom the Father anointed with the Holy Spirit and established as Priest, Prophet, and King. The whole People of God participates in these three offices of Christ and bears the responsibilities for mission and service that flow from them.”
2. For baptized Christians, the call to be Priest, Prophet and King in our lives, come from the very same calling at our baptism to be Holy or to be Set-Apart.
3. A Priest fosters holiness “in worshipping everywhere by their holy actions, the laity consecrate the world itself to God, everywhere offering worship by the holiness of their lives.” CCC #901
4. We answer our baptismal call to participate in the Priestly office by answering Jesus’ call to be the Salt of the earth (Mt 5:13), so that we can “season” or “consecrate the world itself to God” in “worshipping everywhere by our holy actions.” (CCC #901)
5. Offering sacrifices and fostering holiness are Priestly roles.
6. As baptized Christians, the sacrifice we offer to God – is the sacrifice in our own lives.
7. A couple of ways to do so are 1) by “offering it up” when we face difficult moments; and 2) by offering the sacrifices in our lives, e.g. our labor, to further His cause.
Show Notes
Reflection Questions
Are you the Salt of the earth as called out by Jesus to His disciples in Mt 5:13?
How do you ensure you do not lose the taste of the Salt?
How is our Vocation or Calling connected to Christ at our Baptism?
What are the implications of us, at our Baptism?
References made in this episode
Bible Verses ( in the order of citation)
1 Cor 6:19
Mt 5:13
Lev 2:13
Num 18:19
Ezk 43:24
Catechism of the Catholic Church
Other Resource/Adaptation Links
Dr. Brant Pitre, Distinguished Research Professor of Scripture at the Augustine Institute, Graduate School of Theology.